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Release the Past and Reclaim Your Joy

Sandra Anne Taylor
October 5 - 12, 2024To Register.. Click Here

The Vitals

Dates: October 5 – 12, 2024

Location: Tuscany, Italy

Special Presenter: SANDRA ANNE TAYLOR

Investment: From USD $3,445 – USD $3,945  depending on choice of accommodations

“You have the power to let go of the past and open your life to a brilliant and joyful future!”, Sandra

Release the Past and Reclaim Your Joy –  Quick Links


Overview Accommodations-Cost  Schedule  /  About Us  /  Getting There  /  Register & Info


Are you ready to let go of all the things that have been holding you back?  If so, this wonderful adventure-retreat is just what you need!  No matter what you’ve been through, you can free yourself from the negative influences of the past and forge a bright new destiny filled with joy and excitement every day!


During this life-changing week, you will:

  • Release unknown blocks to your health & happiness;
  • Learn powerful exercises to cut the chords of unhealthy relationships;
  • Activate your authentic power & learn to speak and live in your truth;
  • Charge your energy with a joy & vitality that becomes a way of life!
  • Explore the wonders of Tuscany, including Assisi, which Wayne Dyer described as a vortex of miraculous energy!

Join me to discover your deepest joy and open up to the unlimited possibilities that come from leaving the past behind!  Sandra

Accommodations and Cost – The cost for this retreat is $3,445 – $3,945 depending on choice of accommodation…click here for all the details
Schedule – Arrival/departure time and general information of the offerings of this retreat are available by clicking …here
About Us – Learn a bit about Sandra’s background and experiences and some information about the hosts of this retreat by clicking…here 
Getting There – Information that will assist you in booking your airline tickets and arrival/departure times is available…here
Register and Questions – If you are ready to register or you have questions, click…here




Sandra offered a workshop in Tuscany in the past, and these were some of the comments from participants:

Tuscany Retreat: …I loved every minute of it and can’t think of any improvements!!!

When I signed up for this retreat I expected a marvelous time but was not prepared for the miracles that happened!  Everything was smooth from the time we met Kay & Franco at the airport (and, myself having the name Kay I had to immediately claim, “I’m not THAT Kay!”) to the morning yoga sessions that were inspiring and instructional.

The trip was well structured with classes and tours.  Everything seemed to go seamlessly despite the amazing work we knew went into planning and orchestrating.  Thanks to Kay, Franco and Sandy:  wow is all I can say!! Kay W.

Hello Sandra, Kay and Franco,

In the midst of receiving your email Franco, I was seriously missing Italy and all who took part in the treasure filled trip. What a pleasure to hear from you in your heartfelt and beautifully written email to all of us. While reading your email I felt like I was back in the Villa and just walking into the kitchen for breakfast. I want to invent a time machine so that I can go back and sit at the dinner table with all of you again!

Global Journeys goes above and beyond to make you feel at home and supported. I immediately felt like I was visiting wonderful family members. Kay and Franco have a plethora of impressive skills that range from cooking food (so good!!!), yoga, driving and knowing the best places to go, taking care of everyone’s needs to juggling the vast amount of details that encompass a trip. It was a trip packed full of wonderful experiences and I will always treasure the memories.

  • The support you received prior to the retreat – Kay was great in always answering my questions!
  • Sandy’s presentations – I loved all of Sandy’s presentations. I admire her work and all that she shared with us. It was great to hear the practical information and then have it put into practice as she lead us through the processes. I was delighted in all of the past life information that came up in her classes and throughout the trip.
  • Yoga Sessions with Kay – Enjoyed and felt such a grounding and relaxation from her class!
  • Logistical support during the retreat…transportation, addressing your needs, etc – WOW, we covered a lot of miles. What kindness to be picked up at the airport, driven around Italy by pros and dropped back at the airport.
  • Accommodations at Villa Il Pintello – Loved staying at the Villa (the view, OMG!!) The accommodations were good. Enjoyed my roommates. Sharing a bathroom was a bit of an adjustment as I haven’t done so since my college days…but I did adjust.
  • Meals (at the villa and at restaurants) – Oh, how can one address this properly enough?! OUTSTANDING!! The meals at the Villa were mouth watering (along with the wine of course!) The restaurants were fun and it was cool to hear the Italian language being spoken. I wish for you and Kay and the restaurants that there was an easier, or faster way to get payment from everyone. I realize it’s needs to be individual payment though and all worked out.
  • Your excursions: Chianti Region and wine tastings, Pisa, Viareggio, Lucca, San Gimignano, Siena, Florence – loved all of the excursions and also the flexibility to change and go to the ocean! So glad we were able to have a full day in Florence.
  • The itinerary and schedule, timing and flow of things – By day three we had packed so much in that I felt like I had been there a week. Miraculous and loved it all!! It was amazing that we fit in Sandy’s presentations and so much traveling. I think someone was working a magical time machine in the background! 😉 By Thursday I was peaking over the fence into Friday and didn’t want it to be over so quickly.
  • What did you gain from this retreat? Seeing my new/old Italian family, making wonderful connections, taking in Sandy’s wisdom and processes to use going forward, exploring Italy….
  • Any other input – It was all SO wonderful!!!

Thank you and much love to you and Kay!



Dear Kay and Franco,

Thank you both for offering and providing such an extraordinary experience in Tuscany!!!  I loved every single second of it and if possible would do it all over again in the same way!  I know how much planning, organizing, doing, follow-up, etc. had to be involved and you both conducted yourselves with tremendous grace throughout the week.  The gifts you shared including cooking, cleaning, coffee refills :), yoga, teaching, singing, laughing, story-telling, guiding, touring, driving, dinner menu translations, wine pouring, reassurance, attention to details, and caring were evidence of your beautiful souls and I’m eternally grateful to have had the pleasure of being on this amazing journey with you, Sandy and Benjamin and the other group members!  Sandy’s workshop sessions were trans-formative, and full of illumination.  I’ve been sharing with family and friends all we learned and am practicing the techniques on a regular basis.  It’s been fun sharing stories and having to clarify if what we experienced happened in reality in Tuscany or during a past life.  We’ve laughed about that 🙂  I don’t know how you could improve on what I considered to be a perfect experience with the most amazing people in such a beautiful setting.  I’m sure there are things we can all do better at but right now i can’t think of any 🙂  Attached are a couple of photos I thought you’d enjoy having.


Love to you both!!



This email is for Sandra, Franco and Kay…I had told Kay my mother-in-law was from somewhere around Pisa and guess where???  Lucca!!  I was so excited we went there … I felt her strong spirit the whole time we were over there but never imagined we actually went to her “home” town.  Thanks again for such a wonderful trip!  I’m saving up for the south of France
