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The Power of Eight Lynne McTaggart

Bryan Photo
Photo LynneThe Power of Eight

Supersize your thoughts and heal your life through the miraculous mirror effect of intention in a small group


Tuscany, Italy

Lynne McTaggart & Bryan Hubbard


                                      September 29th – October 6th, 2018





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Imagine yourself:

  • Finally sorting out a long-standing health issue
  • Launching a new and exciting career
  • Making all your relationships more loving and fulfilling
  • Getting along with all your co-workers, even the people you disagree with
  • Getting your finances on an even keel, and having a steady, abundant flow of money
  • Identifying and overcoming the negative thinking that holds you back


All this, while helping somebody else realize their dreams.

Join internationally bestselling author Lynne McTaggart, the world’s leading intention guru, and author of THE FIELD, THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT and her newest book THE POWER OF EIGHT, for a rare and intimate retreat in an idyllic villa in amazing Tuscany and be prepared to turn everything you thought you knew about the power of intention on its head.


After 10 years of experimenting with the power of intention in small and large groups, Lynne has discovered that the most powerful effect of group intention – an effect overlooked by virtually every popular book on the subject – is on the intenders themselves.

The greatest untold truth of all is that group intention has a mirror effect, not only affecting the recipient but also amplifying as it reflects back on the senders.


Supersized Intention


When individuals in a group focus their intention together on a single target, a powerful collective dynamic emerges that can heal longstanding conditions, mend fractured relationships, lower violence and even rekindle life purpose among all those doing the intending.

Lynne’s techniques have been subjected to more than 30 university studies, demonstrating that the group-intention experience appears to cause changes in individual consciousness, breaking down time and space, removing a sense of separation and individuality, and placing members of the group in what can only be described as a state of ecstatic union.

The altered state of consciousness experienced by participants –  now verified in scientific studies of brain-wave patterns – is analogous to the ecstatic state experienced by a Sufi master or Buddhist monk.

However, unlike those types of traditional practices, or others like sweat lodges or fasting, Lynne’s methods don’t require years of devoted practice, or long hours of priming or deprivation.

 The Power of Eight – sending thoughts of healing in a small group – is a fast track to the


You’ll be spending your sessions with Lynne in a small and highly select group, where Lynne will be joined by her husband Bryan Hubbard, co-owner of What Doctors Don’t Tell You and author of the groundbreaking book The Untrue Story of You, who will show you why many of your intentions don’t work, despite your best ‘intentions.’

Bryan will describe how experiences you never fully understood from your past weigh you down, causing you to respond in the present with anxiety and fear.

Aside from these life-transforming sessions, you’ll spend plenty of down-time with Lynne and Bryan, with special excursions to Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Perugia, the Chianti Trail, the Brunello Region, and lots more.

And in addition to all this culture, you’ll also go on a wine-tasting at the Cantina Winery and even have time for some well-earned relaxation in the Villa’s pool, spa and incomparable grounds.

A special message from Lynne …


lynne-mctaggart-photo“I’ve been studying the art and science of intention for many years – from Intention masters and pioneer scientists, and after carrying out my own Intention Experiments.


“What I have discovered is that whatever we send out into the universe comes back to us, magnified.”


“I’ve worked with hundreds of large and small groups over the years, and I’ve developed unique ways to help people to use their thoughts to heal longstanding conditions, mend their relationships, improve their finances or careers, and even rekindle their life’s purpose.


“So, if you’ve tried and failed to use intention in your life, spend this life-transforming week with me.”

“You’ll learn special techniques to use intention to zero in on your goals, hone your intuition, heal your relationships, avoid negative intention (your own and others’).

Bryan and I have perfected a means of helping you to overcome ways that you sabotage your own goals with unconscious negative intention from your past.

Together, we will help you to end the misfired intentions that are preventing you from manifesting your ideals.”

“Most of all, you’ll discover how to supersize your own power with the help of small groups – what I like to call ‘the Power of Eight.’

“Unlike most self-help courses, the week with me will reveal another great untold truth:  the moment you get off of yourself and start intending for others, you get doubly rewarded and your own dreams will come true.

“I’ll show you, as I’ve shown thousands of others, the miraculous power you hold inside of you to heal your own life, which gets unleashed the moment you stop thinking about yourself.”



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What past attendees of Lynne’s workshops are saying:

 “What I didn’t expect was how much healing could happen: healing lifelong depression and liver issues; a major improvement in lifelong focus and concentration issues, such that I’m finally able to make progress on a book I’ve wanted to write; a deepened spiritual life; wonderful improvements professionally; and healing relationships in essential ways.  I can’t thank you enough for sharing your beautiful wisdom.  It has been life-changing.” – Mitchell Dean

“I adored Lynne’s teaching. It has changed my life, in that I regularly set intentions through my day, and am amazed at how things flow so much more easily. The results for myself, and other people on the course, have been incredibly impressive. I have never thought of myself as psychic, but I was amazed that simply by ‘tuning in’, I was able to read someone else’s thoughts.   It shows how powerful we all are.” – Pam Gregory

“Lynne is amazing, her message is powerful and truly life-changing – instantly.’ – Tricia Hobbs

“Lynne and Bryan create a space of safety and fun to explore how we sabotage our dreams and how to manifest them. They are so lovely, grounded and fun!” – Lissa Wheeler

“The combination of Lynne and Bryan’s work together felt essential. Every experiential session was powerful!” – Jolene McKenna


This all-inclusive retreat includes the following:


  • Full Accommodations for 7 Nights at the Villa Cornacchi Estate, in north-east of Siena, one of the most beautiful areas of the Chianti region. (click on Accommodations for details)
  • All workshops and presentations offered by Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard
  • All breakfasts, three dinners and three lunches (No beef or pork will be served during these meals)
  • Excursions to: Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Assisi, the Chianti Trail, the Brunello Region, and lots more
  • Cantina Wine Tour
  • Access to spa and swimming pool
  • Optional daily meditation and yoga sessions
  • Wine tasting at the villa
  • Evening Gatherings and Sessions
  • Time to relax and unwind
  • All internal transportation
  • Transportation from and to Florence airport within set time frames

Air-fare and tips are not included


Global Journeys 516 906-2133 or 516 343-3210
