Wired for LOVE
with Stan and Tracey Tatkin in COSTA RICA
A Deeper Look

Envision yourself at a gorgeous tropical setting with warm waves and inviting beaches and spending time with Stan and Tracey as you enhance your relationship.
On this retreat we will use the PACT principles to guide you in overcoming challenges you face as a couple. PACT stands for A Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy. It was developed out of exciting, cutting-edge research in three areas.
The first is neuroscience, the study of the human brain. Understanding how the brain works provides a physiological basis for understanding how people act and react within relationships. In a nutshell, some areas of your brain are wired to reduce threat and danger and seek security, while others are geared to establish mutuality and loving connection.
The second is attachment theory, which explains the biological need to bond with others. Experiences in early relationships create a blueprint that informs the sense of safety and security you bring to adult relationships. Insecurities that have been carried through life can wreak havoc for a couple if these issues are not resolved.
The third area is the biology of human arousal—meaning the moment-to-moment ability to manage one’s energy, alertness, and readiness to engage. It isn’t necessary to understand the scientific basis of PACT to realize its benefits.
Join us in this romantic, enchanting land where you will learn these powerful fundamental principles, and get to experience them as you explore this tropical wonder of Costa Rica.

An Invitation from Stan and Tracey
We are excited about the COSTA RICA Couples’ Retreat! We have worked with Kay and Franco from Global Journeys for the last several years in international settings for couples’ retreats and each has been incredible; they are delightful and will put together a top-notch experience for all of us. One of the things that excites us the most is the amount of time we will have together. Since it will be an intimate group of no more than 18 couples, we will have the opportunity to get to know all of you while experiencing the workshop and the adventures together. Again, this promises to be a special experience and one we are thrilled to share with you. Warmly, Stan and Tracey Tatkin
To support the loving connection of couples being together, Stan and Tracey have chosen to hold the retreat in a splendid site in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Apart from their life-transforming sessions, you’ll spend plenty of down-time with Stan and Tracey, exploring the magnificent tropical setting at Occidental Papagayo.