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Healing the Past with The Power of Eight in Piedmont, Italy Lynne McTaggart

The Power of Eight

The Vitals

Dates: Re-scheduled to 2023 (Specific dates are not yet available)

Location: Piedmont, Italy

Presenters: Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard

Investment: $4,450 – $5,350 per person dbl. or trpl. occupancy

Harness the miraculous mirror effect of small group intention
to heal your present, and your past



Bryan PhotoPhoto Lynne   

Healing Journeys with Lynne McTaggart


Heal Your Past with the Power of Eight

Harness the power of group intention to heal your past, become ‘time-light’ and create a miraculous present

Piedmont, ITALY

   Lynne McTaggart & Bryan Hubbard


Re-scheduled to 2023 (Specific dates are not yet available)




Join internationally bestselling author Lynne McTaggart, the world’s leading intention guru, and author of The Field, The Intention Experiment, andThe Power of Eight, for a rare and intimate retreat in a former historic castle in Piedmont, Italy. Be prepared for a once-in-a-lifetime transformational and healing experience, while exploring a breathtaking setting and the extraordinary subterranean temples of Damanhur.

The sessions will be held in two locations: TBD Castle and Damanhur, which has been termed the ‘Eighth Wonder of the world’. To find out more about DAMANHUR click here.   

After 13 years of experimenting scientifically with the power of intention in small and large groups, Lynne has repeatedly demonstrated that her intention can ‘time travel’: her techniques can not only heal issues in the present but also those of the past. Invariably, as she has discovered, when people are not achieving their goals they are being sabotaged by events in the past.

But in her experience, the lingering effect of these past hurts can be overcome, no matter how long ago or deeply embedded.

Thousands of Lynne’s students have used her techniques to:

 Sort out long-standing health issues 
 Make their relationships more loving and fulfilling
 Launch new and exciting careers
 Get finances on an even keel, with a steady, abundant flow of money
 Identify and overcome the negative thinking that holds them back

Lynne will be joined by her husband Bryan Hubbard, co-owner of What Doctors Don’t Tell You and author of the groundbreaking book The Untrue Story of You. Bryan will introduce his life-changing techniques from ‘Time-Light,’ the radical new therapy he developed, now being used by a team of European psychiatrists to heal such problems as depression and anxiety. Bryan will show you with great clarity why your life can be on constant repeat, with patterns that block you from achieving your greatest fulfillment.   He’ll also show you why many of your intentions don’t work, despite your best ‘intentions.’

You’ll learn how experiences you never fully understood from your past weigh you down, causing you to respond in the present with anxiety and fear. Bryan’s exercises will help you identify the patterns in your life and their role in governing your present. Lynne will then work with you using special ‘retrointention’ techniques and the supersizing healing power of a Power of Eight group to heal specific incidents from your past that prevent you from living life to your full potential.

Both Lynne and Bryan will then help you to design your future.

And best of all, in the process of healing yourself, you help to heal the lives of the other attendees!

Lynne and Bryan will even share a few intention secrets of their own remarkable 35-year partnership (they live together, work together, and have raised two beautiful adult daughters, four companies and one dog together).

Dates 2023

A personal invitation from Lynne to join this fascinating retreat

What you will learn at this retreat:

  • You’ll attend intention bootcamp using Lynne’s unique intention toolkit, a unique blend of science and ancient wisdom, with 13 vital and little understood techniques to identify and fine-tune your focus on your goals.
  • You’ll practice improving all your relationships through the power of certain intention techniques.
  • You’ll discover how to identify when and why you are ‘broadcasting’ a sense of scarcity, lack and competition, and how to change the ‘conversation.’
  • You’ll become conscious of your own attempts to sabotage your own highest aspirations, often from improperly understood situations from your past, and learn to reprogram your own negative thought stream.
  • You’ll discover how to heal the negative patterns you have created in your life and become the real ‘you’ – the child you once were who could see the world as it really is, an unfolding miracle in the present moment.
  • You’ll find out how to counter negative intention – whether your own or that of the people around you – and how to make positive connections, even with people you find the most difficult.
  • You’ll experience for yourself the instant transformational state of oneness through the group intention experience, usually only experienced by people like Buddhist monks after years of disciplined practice.
  • You’ll practice special ‘retro-intention techniques’ developed by Lynne to heal the deepest of wounds from your past, and special techniques by Lynne and Bryan to design and plan your own future.

Where the retreat will be held

After experimenting with the powerful resonance effect of group intention in sacred spaces, Lynne and Bryan have chosen to hold the retreat at VistaTerra Hotel, a former Parella castle, now transformed into a luxury hotel restored with ecological designs, exquisitely frescoed rooms and gorgeous organic gastronomy and wine from vineyards grown on the premises.

We’ll also be visiting and holding sessions at the breathtaking temples of Damanhur, nestled in the alpine foothills, north of Piedmont, between Turin and Aoesta.

This federation of spiritual communities has been called a ‘laboratory for the future of humankind,’ and its extraordinary subterranean temples have been profiled on international television as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World.’  Both the vista Terra and Damanhur provide perfect sacred spaces for maximizing the power of group intention.

In addition to these life-transforming sessions, you’ll spend plenty of down-time with Lynne and Bryan, exploring the hidden gem of Italy that is the Piedmont area, and opting for various excursions. You can visit world UNESCO heritage sites like Ivrea, with its extraordinary architecture, or the hill-town sanctuary Oropa, or indulge in food and wine tasting.

For the more adventurous, there’s rock climbing or paragliding, or for those who perfect more serene activities, you can take yoga and Pilates classes right at our hotel, and spa and special treatments at Damanhur.

To get an idea of some of the available activities and excursions go to: 

A special message from Lynne …

“I’ve been studying the art and science of intention for many years – from Intention masters and pioneer scientists, and after carrying out my own Intention Experiments.

 “What I have discovered is that whatever we send out into the universe comes back to us, magnified.

“I’ve worked with hundreds of large and small groups over the years, and I’ve developed unique ways to help people to use their thoughts to heal longstanding conditions, mend their relationships, improve their finances or careers, and even rekindle their life’s purpose.

“So, if you’ve tried and failed to use intention in your life, spend this life-transforming week with me.

“You’ll learn special techniques to use intention to zero in on your goals, hone your intuition, heal your relationships and avoid negative intention (your own and others’).  “Bryan and I have perfected a means of helping you to overcome ways that you sabotage your own goals with unconscious negative intention from your past.

Together, we will help you to end the misfired intentions that are preventing you from manifesting your ideals.

“Most of all, you’ll discover how to supersize your own power with the help of small groups – what I like to call ‘the Power of Eight.’ “Neuroscience studies of my work show that the group-intention experience quickly causes changes in individual consciousness, placing members of the group in a state of ecstatic union – exactly like the states experienced by a Sufi master or Buddhist monk.  “However, unlike those traditional practices, sweat lodges or fasting, my methods don’t require years of devoted practice, or long hours of priming or deprivation.

The Power of Eight – sending thoughts of healing in a small group – is a fast track to the miraculous.

“The week with me will reveal another great untold truth:  the moment you get off of yourself and start intending for others, you get doubly rewarded and your own dreams will come true. “I’ll show you, as I’ve shown thousands of others, the miraculous power you hold inside of you to heal your own life, which gets unleashed the moment you stop thinking about yourself.”


‘What the attendees are saying about Lynne’s last retreat in Tuscany’

“The week in Tuscany with you and Bryan was so outstanding, beautiful and game changing – in fact the best journey I ever made! Our lives – mine as a single parent, a working mom with no alimony, and two daughters, one with Asperger’s – have so much turned to the better since I came back from Tuscany. And since the time I worked on overcoming the past with you, I feel really free of any doubt or discord with my life and now flow in abundant love without any ‘buts.’ I don’t know how I can fully thank you and Bryan for this inner breakthrough, which for me it is the deciding factor to turn my life to the better and to where I dream it to be.” Sybille Marseiler

A well-orchestrated, quality tour with charming accommodations and food and wine, with great attention maintained throughout the week for the comfort and hospitality of each individual.  The course was full of great content, opportunity to practice and, best of all, fun.  You can’t take this course from Lynne and Bryan without having some kind of life change for the better.  The work they do will shift your consciousness and fill you with love.”

‘Offers a giant step into a future that can only be one full of improvements and joy for many people.’

“Thank you, Lynne and Bryan, for the amazing retreat and the opportunity to meet our soul community. We are continuing to meet and our intention gatherings via skype have had many wonderful positive results – with health turnarounds, progress in building our wellness resort, improvements in family members, and much more.”Sujeevani Dedigama

Short video testimonials from recent participants