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Tame Your Brain


February 4 – 10, 2024

Occidental Papagayo, COSTA RICA



 The schedule below outlines the various activities and offerings that are included on this retreat. The sequence of these events will be created to support the flow and delivery of the offerings.

Most of you will arrive at Occidental Papagayo  on the first day of the retreat. You’ll have a chance to settle in, swim in the pool, play in the ocean and soak up the beauty of your environment before you indulge in a delectable dinner. Before dinner, we’ll have a general introduction to the retreat and an opportunity for participants to begin to get acquainted with each other.

Each morning you may choose to join a Meditation and Yoga session and/or you may take an early morning walk on the beach before having a delicious breakfast.


The sun-rises in this area are vibrant and as the ocean and land critters awaken you can feel the energy of life all around you. As each day begins, new and exciting opportunities await.

Here is the general schedule for the entire week. You will have lots of time to learn amazing and practical information from Lisa that you can use to empower and enrich your life as well as ample time for exciting adventures, playful activities, sharing time with others and time to relax and absorb the beauty of this splendid tropical paradise. Keep in mind that some offerings may change to support the overall development of participants.

 Each evening the specific schedule for the following day will be posted. This allows us to focus on what the group needs and supports the growth of individuals. Personal and play time will be sprinkled throughout each day.

Day 1 – Arrival, settle in and relax, introductory session and first dinner together.

Day 2 – Optional Yoga session, breakfast, Managing Stress session, lunch, Goal Setting session,  dinner.

Days 3 – Optional Yoga session, breakfast, Nutrition for Your Brain session, Social Triggers Session lunch, personal time, dinner.

Day 4 – A personal day of adventures and/or relaxation. Optional Yoga session, you may choose to experience an adventure activity at your own cost, or stay at the resort and enjoy the beach/ocean offerings, breakfast lunch and dinner are included if you choose to stay.

Day 5 – Optional Yoga session, breakfast, Automatic Negative Thoughts  session, lunch, Neurosculpting session, local vendors will display their wares, dinner.

Day 6 – Optional Yoga session, breakfast, Neuroscience of Mindfulness session, lunch, Self Investment session, closing ceremony, completion dinner.

Day 7 – Breakfast and departure to the airport


TOPICS OF DISCOVERY for this week-long program:

  • Managing Stress

Stress – A Brain-Based Perspective

Stress. We all have it, and we know we don’t like it, but do you really know the effect it is having on your brain, body and life? Did you know that the brain cannot tell the difference between an actual threat like the house being on fire, vs worrying about your relationship or job security? This creates a lessened ability to access the logical and critical thinking areas of the brain, and completely affects your behavior. You can see how this is absolutely the opposite of what you need to have happen when you are trying to be strategic about the next steps to take in life. In this session you will discover what stress actually is, how it is impacting you physically and behaviorally and you’ll learn some simple tools and ways to manage it in a way that brings you joy and balance.


  • Goal Setting Using Your Brain
    Goals – A Brain Based Perspective

You have been setting goals your whole life and yet your results greatly vary in levels of success of achievement. Why is it that you can easily crush certain goals, stick to the plan and have minimal detours, yet other goals feel like an uphill battle, a full-on grappling match with your willpower and you have to restart over and over? The answer lies in your brain. If your brain doesn’t understand the goal it can never achieve it. In this session learn the power of Neurolinguistic Programming (the language of your mind) to accurately translate the goal so your brain can stay on course and no longer miss the big high-five.


  • Nutrition for Your Brain
    Nutrition – A Brain Based Perspective

Nutrition, it’s a basic survival need we all have but have you ever considered how it impacts your sleep, your behavior and your focus? Most of us look at nutrition from the perspective of being healthy, losing weight or muscle gain – but it’s much, much more than that. Our food has a direct effect on our brain performance and functions, which in turn controls everything you do. Don’t you want to make sure you are feeding it what it needs so you can be your best self?


  • Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)
    Negative Thoughts – A Brain Based Perspective

Worry, catastrophizing, jumping to conclusions – all such a waste of time and energy, and we all do it. Why? Because this is what our brain does to try and keep us safe and alive. Gone are the times of times of saber-toothed tigers and dire wolves but your brain hasn’t evolved to the modern era to know this. It now sees your boss, spouse and lack of money as danger or predators and is in a constant search for “safer conditions”. Learn in this session why your thinking can turn negative automatically and learn the tools to manage this reaction to keep you from wasting so much of your time on irrational worries.


  • Neurosculpting®
    Mental Entrainment – A Brain Based Perspective

Neurosculpting is a science-based, potent way to tap into the hidden parts of your brain that drive you. Think meditation, brain training, flow state, rewiring and performance improvement ALL IN ONE!

I know you are busy. In just minutes a day, this trademarked process sculpts new emotional, mental and physical patterns allowing you the freedom to design your life. Neurosculpting® meditation is easy, quick and powerful – and perfect for people with active mind who have a hard time meditating.


  • Neuroscience of Mindfulness
    Mindfulness – A Brain Based Perspective

There is so much buzz around the concept of mindfulness – but what is it actually? It simply is a state that resides in our brain.  This is wonderful news since it means we don’t have to travel to Jamaica or sit under a tree barefoot to access it – we can get there from our office desks or dining room tables. In this session, not only will you practice how to achieve the state of mindfulness, you will learn, what this state is from a neuroscience perspective. You will discover the benefits to your life by achieving this state with easy, applicable tools to access it.


  • Self-Investment
    Personal Care- A Brain Based Perspective

Nothing makes me cringe more than the term “self-care”. Why? Because there is a connotation of selfishness, a waste of time, and the cause of reprioritizing what we think are more important things to attend to. This session has a new approach and it’s called “self-investing”. We all know what a great investment portfolio can do to gain us funds, what about a creating a great personal investment portfolio? Learn about inner-dialogue that robs you of energy funds and create new approaches to self-invest that will give you a high rate of return to life balance and happiness.


  • Social Triggers
    Social Triggers – A Brain Based Perspective

Let me guess that you have been upset a time or two in your life. Do you know that in every social situation your upset can be traced back to only one of 5 reasons? Yes, only 5. The good news? These 5 things can also be the motivators that keep you on top of the world, and can inspire others quickly and effectively. You’ll have lots of fun and end up with amazing results in this session.

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