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Information to Transformation with Dr. Joe Dispenza COSTA RICA – Schedule






December 12-18, 2021 




 The schedule below outlines the various activities and offerings that are included on this retreat. The sequence of these events will be created to support the flow and delivery of the offerings.


Most of you will arrive at Santarena on the first day of the retreat. You’ll have a chance to settle in, swim in the pool, play in the ocean and soak up the beauty of your environment before you indulge in a delectable dinner. After dinner, we’ll have a general introduction to the retreat and an opportunity for participants to begin to get acquainted with each other.

Each morning you may choose to join a Meditation and Yoga session and/or you may take an early morning walk on the beach before having a delicious breakfast. The sun-rises in this area are vibrant and as the ocean and land critters awaken you can feel the energy of life all around you.

Here is the general schedule for the entire week. You will have lots of time to learn amazing and practical information from Dr. Joe that you can use to empower and enrich your life as well as ample time for exciting adventures, playful activities, sharing time with others and time to relax and absorb the beauty of this splendid tropical paradise. Keep in mind that some things may change to support the overall development of participants.


Day 1 – arrival, opening ceremony, and first dinner together

Day 2 – optional adventure activity day (click here), beach activities, or personal time Dr. Joe arrives in the evening (Lunch on your own)

Days 3, 4, 5, and 6 – A combination of Dr. Joe’s presentations and personal time (Day 5, Thursday – dinner on your own)

Day 7 – Departure

This schedule is flexible and may change. Each evening the specific schedule for the following day will be written on a white board. This allows us to focus on what the group needs and supports the growth of individuals. The following are the general offerings for this retreat:

  • Sessions by Dr. Joe. He will be with us for 4 days during the week
  • Daily Yoga/meditation sessions
  • A voluntary service project…we’ll let you know more about this as we get closer to the retreat starting date
  • A Costa Rican Adventure Day. You will have a choice, at your own cost, to experience a variety of adventure activities, click here for details.  You will be given the option to register when you arrive.
  • Evening sessions
  • You may choose a massage or energy  work, at your own cost, from one of the experienced body workers
  • A closing Mandala ceremony on the beach
  • Individual time will be provided so that you can enjoy the beach, play in the waves, relax by the pool and enjoy each other’s company. During your personal time, you may choose to: paddle board, kayak, ride mountain bikes and more. See Pura Vida Ride for details.


                      “Change requires coherence – align your thoughts and feelings”…Dr. Joe Dispenza    

“And can you teach your body emotionally what it would feel like to believe in this way . . . to be empowered . . . to be moved by your own greatness . . . to be invincible . . . to have courage . . . to be in love with life . . . to feel unlimited . . . to live as if your prayers are already answered?”
Joe Dispenza

“Warning: when feelings become the means of thinking, or if we cannot think greater than how we feel, we can never change. To change is to think greater than how we feel. To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of the memorized self.”   Dr.Joe Dispenza

“What beliefs and perceptions about you and your life have you been unconsciously agreeing to that you’d have to change in order to create this new state of being?”   Dr. Joe Dispenza




Click Here to Register, or for more information